A Time to Rest
The Corona lockdown has profoundly changed the rhythm of our lives. Kids are at home. Working from home. Perhaps a loss of job and income.
Which means — God has given us a unique opportunity to examine our habits, and perhaps reset our habits.
It may be your habits before the lockdown weren't great - or it may be your habits during lockdown aren't great. Or perhaps — it's just an opportunity to examine your habits and start again.
Don't waste this chance!
Today — I want us to consider our habit of rest.
Part of the way God made us was to rest. God made day and night — and night was for rest. God made the week — and on the seventh day, God rested, and commands us to rest.
Did you know that the most important training session for athletes is their rest? That's the day their muscles and bones and tendons all recover - and grow stronger. If athlete doesn't rest — they don't recover — and their performance goes backwards.
Rest is very important for all of us — both physically and spiritually. Rest allows us to pause, to recover from the day or week, and to reflect.
As followers of Jesus — we ultimately look forward to entering God's rest — where we can rest from the toil and heartache of this world, where we can rest in the presence of our loving heavenly Lord.
So let me urge you — take this opportunity to build good habits of rest. My advice is:
Aim for 8 hours of sleep each night, the same time.
Take time each day to rest in the Lord, praying, reading his word, and reflecting on Jesus Christ
Have a day of rest each week. Give yourself permission to do something fun, to leave behind the toil of the week, to spend time with friends and family
Set aside Sunday to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Of course - we serve him every moment of every day - but Sunday is a day to particularly pause and focus on God.
Take time each year to rest. A good holiday — a good break — is important to spend time reflect and reset.
Family Bible Study
This weeks Family Bible Study is now available. It can be done with your family, with your household — or even just by yourself! It doesn't matter how old or young you are!
Why not get the kids to do it during Sunday Church? And don't forget to send your craft pictures to kids@stjamesberala.org.au
This week it's on how Kingdom Kids don't just Say - the DO!
How you join us online?
10am EVERY Sunday
4:30pm EVERY Sunday
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Lighthouse Berala: http://www.facebook.com/LighthouseBerala/
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Mike Doyle
0412 857 162