Coronavirus Crisis Relief Appeal

The results of the coronavirus has smashed Australia, smashed people in our local community, and smashed many people in our Church.

Since the lockdown started, several members of our church have been evicted. Several more have received eviction notices.  We estimate 25% of those who were working have lost their jobs, been stood down, not had contracts renewed, or had a significant drop in income.

Whilst many have access to generous government assistance, unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, many in our church don't have access to these government benefits.

Those most effected include families and Asylum Seekers. Some have been evicted, are being evicted, are struggling to pay rent, buy food, or pay for basic utilities.

As a result - we are launching a "Coronavirus Crisis Relief" fund.

Our aim is to raise over $15,000 to support members of our church who are suffering as a result of the coronavirus, for a period of 6 months.

How will the fund work?
The aim of the fund is to help those who are part of our church community who are suffering financial hardship as a result of the coronavirus.

Wherever possible, we are directing people to assistance that is being offered by our federal and state governments, as well as charities such as Anglicare and the Red Cross.

However - where our normal safety nets have failed, we will step in to help people eat, pay utility bills, and have a place to sleep. 

We will:

  • Pay utility & rent bills where we think it is necessary.

  • Give out Woolworths vouchers to help pay for food.

  • Not give out cash

Where is the money coming from?

  • We are asking members of St James Berala to give $5,000 towards the fund.

  • The Wardens have contributed $5,000 of the church finances to the fund.

  • We aim to raise $5,000 from other churches and people outside St James Berala

  • We are applying for other grants to help.

How will the fund be managed?
Jo-Ann will decide on who will receive the help and how they will receive it. She will provide a weekly report to the Wardens showing what money has been spent on what, and for what purpose.

Jo-Ann will manage the money in a way that will, as best as possible, let the funds last 6 months.

If you need help, or know someone in our church who needs help - please let Jo-Ann know!

Please Give Now!
As a member of St James Berala - please give generously NOW to help your brothers and sisters.

Importantly - a generous donor has said that for EVERY DOLLAR given by a St James Berala member by the END OF MAY, they will match that dollar up to a value of $5,000.

In other words - if you give $200 today - $400 will be put towards the fund.

How to give?
Please give by transferring the funds electronically and marking them as being for the "Relief Fund".

Account name: St James Berala
BSB: 062-117
Account number: 0090 0052
Description: Relief Fund (your name)
Please give your name (or say "member") so we know which money has come from our church members so they can be matched.

Please Pray!

  • Thank God for the opportunity to love and care for our brothers and sisters

  • Thank God that as a result of the eternity article last week, over $3,000 has already been donated to help (Article link)

  • Thank God that he uses hard things to grow us, and for this opportunity to grow.

  • Pray for those in our church who are suffering - that they will know the love of God, and be comforted by him.

  • Pray that we will learn of all those in our church who are struggling (for a variety of reasons, this can be challenging to know)

  • Pray that we will raise the required funds.

We thank you for your care and practical love for those in need at this time of new challenges. May God grow our faith and love as we depend on him!

Let me finish with these words from the Apostle John:

"Brothers and sisters, because of Jesus we have nothing to fear! Rather, we must act out of faith and love. “We love because he loved us first...and he has given us this command: Those who love God must also love their fellow believers.” 1 John 4: 19,21  

Family Bible Study

This weeks Family Bible Study is now available. It can be done with your family, with your household - or even just by yourself!  It doesn't matter how old or young you are!

Why not get the kids to do it during Sunday Church? And don't forget to send your craft pictures to

This week it's on The Good Samaritan.

How you join us online?

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Mike Doyle
0412 857 162

Mike Doyle