Serving in Lockdown
This week is our last week in Paul's great letter to the Galatians Church. What have you learnt from it? What have you been encouraged by? What have you been challenged by? What have you been reminded of?
As we go through another 4 weeks of lock down - it would be really encouraging if we could share some of the things we've been learning at church on Sunday - so please record a very short answer to the question - and send it through to me (
How are you serving God in Lock Down?
On Sunday it was great to hear from Jacky and Brom about how they are serving God in lock down. In case you missed it - here are the videos.
Jacky shares how he has been serving God in Lock Down.
Brom shares how she has been serving God in Lock Down
I would love to hear how you have been serving God in Lock Down - can you record a video and send it to me? It's so encouraging to hear from each other!
Get Vaccinated
I want our church to be the safest place in Berala. Getting vaccinated helps keep others safe - and helps keep you safe. I am very excited that so many people in our church are already vaccinated.
You can now get vaccinated in most doctors and many pharmacies in our area. There are also walk in vaccination centres open - click here to find out where.
Please thank God for the many people who are working hard to keep us safe. Pray that many people can get vaccinated soon.
Help Out
With the construction shut down and the lockdown of our LGA - we are getting more and more people coming to our church asking for help. So much so that Jo-Ann is feeling pretty overwhelmed - and there's just no way we can help everyone.
The best way to help out is to buy an Online Gift Certificate at Woolworths, and emailing the details through to Jo-Ann ( Jo-Ann has been distributing the gift certificates to help the most people possible.
Thank you to all those who have already done this - you have been very generous, and I am so thankful to God for you.
Please pray for Jo-Ann, those in our area who are suffering, and ask for more opportunities for us to help them.
Online Church
Join us for online church. The very best way is to join us live, on your youtube channel (like and subscribe!)
10am Morning Church: St James Berala
4:30pm Lighthouse Church: Lighthouse Church Berala
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday - virtually!
In Christ