Lockdown for 4 more weeks!

Hello Everyone,

As we work out way through the book of Galatians - Paul has shown us how putting faith in Jesus changes everything. This week - we see how it changes our relationships with each other. Don't miss out! Join us online at 10am or 4:30pm. Read Galatians 6:1-10 to prepare well.

We found out this week that we're in lock down for another 4 weeks. I think that's a good thing, and I'm thankful for the work of our government in this area. It gives us more time to get on top of this outbreak - but even more importantly - to get vaccinated.

Help Out
With the construction shut down and the lockdown of our LGA - we are getting more and more people coming to our church asking for help. So much so that Jo-Ann is feeling pretty overwhelmed - and there's just no way we can help everyone.

The best way to help out is to buy an Online Gift Certificate at Woolworths, and emailing the details through to Jo-Ann (jo-ann@stjamesberala.org.au). Jo-Ann has been distributing the gift certificates to help the most people possible.

Thank you to all those who have already done this - you have been very generous, and I am so thankful to God for you.

Please pray for Jo-Ann, those in our area who are suffering, and ask for more opportunities for us to help them.

Get Vaccinated
I want to keep encouraging you to get vaccinated as soon as possible. From this week - Pharmacies and your local doctor can give you the vaccination. NSW Health has also opened up some walk In Vaccination clinics you can use that are not too far away from us.

I am collecting a list of local places you can get vaccinated - so if you know a place to easily get a vaccination - let me know!

Please thank God for the many people who are working hard to keep us safe. Pray that many people can get vaccinated soon.

Church Finances
Our church is financially supported by the members of our church. We get no government funding, or other funding, for our ongoing costs.

Thank you for your financial support.

In June - we missed budget by a significant amount. Here are the details.

June Giving

  • Actual: $10,842

  • Budget: $15,139

  • Shortfall: $4,297

Year To Date Giving

  • Actual Giving: $86,746

  • Budget Giving: $90,834

  • Shortfall: $4,088

Please pray for our church finances, thanking God for his generosity through his people, and praying he will continue to provide generously.

If you're a member of our church and wish to give - the best way to do this is electronically. The details on how to do this can be found here.

Online Church
Join us for online church. The very best way is to join us live, on your youtube channel (like and subscribe!)

  1. 10am Morning Church: St James Berala

  2. 4:30pm Lighthouse Church: Lighthouse Church Berala

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday - virtually!

In Christ

Mike Doyle