Prayer Meetings, reflections and more...

Sunday was our last week in Paul's great letter to the Galatians Church. What have you learnt from it? What have you been encouraged by? What have you been challenged by? What have you been reminded of? How have you grown as a follower of Jesus?

Follow this link to hear how others in our church have grown.

This week we're going to be thinking more about what "Church" is - with our guest speaker Moussa. Read Ephesians 2:11-3:10 to prepare.

Prayer Night
One of the great joys of being a follower of Jesus is we become children of God - and can call him Father. He loves us, and wants to listen to us.

Join us for our Church Prayer Night TONIGHT at 7:45pm as we gather (virtually) to call on God in prayer, and ask him to powerfully interceded for the lost in our community.

Here's the link to the prayer meeting - I look forward to seeing you there.

How are you serving God in Lock Down?
On Sunday it was great to hear from Mike, Mel, Matt and Josie about how they are serving God in lock down. In case you missed it - here are the videos.

Mike & Mel share how they have been serving God in Lock Down.

Matt & Josie share how they have been serving God in Lock Down

I would love to hear how you have been serving God in Lock Down - can you record a video and send it to me? It's so encouraging to hear from each other!

Thank God for an opportunity to serve him and others in Lockdown.

Getting Vaccinated

If you're looking for a place to get vaccinated - here's a few:

  • Berala Chemist has vaccinations in stock NOW and you can walk in and get one today.

  • Drew's Pharmacy in North Sydney is run by Michael & Vicky in morning church. They also have vaccinations available TODAY and are more than happy to help church members out.

  • NSW Health have a list of walk in vaccination centres open in our areas.

Remember - Covid vaccinations are free for everyone, and you don't need a medicare card.

Please thank God for the many people who are working hard to keep us safe.

Church Finances
Thank you for your kind donations to church - especially as things are so tough at the moment. The good news is the July figures were significantly better than June, though we are still a little behind in our budgeted giving.


  • Budget Giving: $15,139

  • Actual Giving: $14,630

  • Shortfall: $509

Year to Date

  • Budget Giving: $105,973

  • Actual Giving: $101,376

  • Shortfall: $4,597

Please thank God for the generosity of the members of our church.

Online Church
Join us for online church. The very best way is to join us live, on your youtube channel (like and subscribe!)

  1. 10am Morning Church: St James Berala

  2. 4:30pm Lighthouse Church: Lighthouse Church Berala

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday - virtually!

In Christ

Mike Doyle