Relief Fund Update & Restarting Church

  • Coronavirus Relief Fund

  • When will we restart church?

  • Family Study

1. Coronavirus Relief Fund Update

I praise and thank God for his people, and how everyone has stepped up to love and care for people in our church.

Last week we launched our "Coronavirus Relief Fund" in order to help people in our church who are suffering hardship due to the virus. 

I am thrilled to announce that in the last week, we've seen over $25,000 in donations.  It has been an incredible response.  The donations have been made up of:

  • Over $6,000 from church members

  • $5,000 in matched donations 

  • Over $14,000 in donations from people and churches outside our church.

Thank you for your donation, thank you for your help, and please pause and thank God that so many people have helped - from inside our church, and outside.

The money is already being used to put food on tables, provide beds to sleep in, and pay utility bills.

If you know someone in our church community who is doing it tough - please let Jo-Ann know ( 

You can still give:
Account name: St James Berala
BSB: 062-117
Account number: 0090 0052
Description: Relief Fund (your name)

2. When will we restart Church?
As restrictions start to ease, and life begins to return to normal, it's right to start asking the question - when will church go back to normal?

This is a good question to be asking.  I am missing meeting with everyone, and online church (and online discipleship groups) can never replace meeting as God's people in person, to worship him and grow as his disciples.

As the leadership team considers this issue, we have a range of principles in mind. 

  • We will be following all government & diocese rules and advice to the best of our ability.

  • We won't go back until we think things are relatively safe, and the risk is minimal.

  • When we go back, we want it to be "done well", "done right" and be sustainable.

What does this mean?

  • Church (and kids church) won't return to any resemblance of normal before Term 4, and stage 3 (or later) of restrictions.

  • Discipleship Groups won't return to normal until Term 3 and stage 2 (or later) of restrictions.

  • Market Day won't return until AFTER restrictions end.

  • Things like English Class and Music Time won't return until at earliest term 4, but it will depend on what stage we are in, and what's possible with our property.  There's a high chance these won't return until 2021.

It is important to note that stage 3 still has significant restrictions when it comes to our church service and use of church property. In particular, it severely limits the number of people we can have on property at any one time. This means if stage 3 restrictions are still in place during term 4, any return of Sunday church WON'T be "as normal", and the leadership team will need to consider what the right action is (which may include postponing church returning until after the end of stage 3).

Please continue to pray for wisdom of the leadership team as they consider different options.

3. Family Bible Study

This weeks Family Bible Study is now available. It can be done with your family, with your household - or even just by yourself!  It doesn't matter how old or young you are!

Why not get the kids to do it during Sunday Church? And don't forget to send your craft pictures to

This week the study is on "The Pharisee and the Tax Collector".

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Mike Doyle
0412 857 162

Mike Doyle