Relief Fund Update & More on Returning to Church
1. Relief Fund Update
Praise God! I am stunned - and massively encouraged to share that the relief fund has now raised over $38,000! And we've been able to already give relief of more than $6,000 in value.
Your gift is already making a difference.
If you know someone in our church community who is doing it tough - please let Jo-Ann know (
You can still give:
Account name: St James Berala
BSB: 062-117
Account number: 0090 0052
Description: Relief Fund (your name)
2. More on returning to church...
Over this last week you will have noticed there has been a further easing of restrictions. Unfortunately, at this moment, none of these apply to church.
Our Bishops and Diocese are in constant communication with the relevant governing authorities and raising the issues with them. Please pray for our Bishops and leaders at this time, for wisdom, graciousness, and strength.
Our church leaders are continuing to discuss and plan for a return to church, but I want to emphasise again, that Sunday Church is unlikely to return to "normal" until the ending of all restrictions.
A few people have noted that current government guidelines suggest that we could potentially return to some sort of church services (or multiple church services) when we hit "stage 3" of quarantine, which allows up to 100 people at a religious service.
Whilst this is certainly a possibility, I am reluctant to plan on a return to public services under "stage 3" as:
The size of our auditorium will mean we can only have 40-50 present, including children.
Having multiple services will put a huge strain on our already strained Welcome Teams, Music Teams, Tech Teams and Cleaning Teams. I am not sure we have the capacity to do this.
Before any meetings on church property we need appropriate safety measures in place. This includes setting up "Clean Teams" that will clean our premises between services and meetings. This will not be simple or easy.
I am reluctant to return if significant numbers of our church community don't feel safe and comfortable to return.
Above all - I want us to be safe when we return.
I don't yet know how our return will look. The guidelines are changing often. The situation is fluid. And so please pray for the leadership team as we discuss the various possibilities.
I would love to hear your thoughts on how best we can do this.
In the meantime, let me remind you that our God is Good - and Discipleship Groups are (and always have been) the way that we grow as followers of Jesus, and love and care for each other.
What does this mean?
Church (and kids church) is unlikely to return "as normal" until Term 4 and restrictions are lifted.
Discipleship Groups and Youth Group won't return to normal until Term 3 and Stage 2 (or later) of restrictions.
Market Day, Music Time, English Class and Holiday Kids Club won't return until AFTER restrictions end.
Please note - we are constantly in contact with the government and diocese, and these plans will change.
3. Family Bible Study
This weeks Family Bible Study is now available. It can be done with your family, with your household - or even just by yourself! It doesn't matter how old or young you are!
Why not get the kids to do it during Sunday Church? And don't forget to send your craft pictures to
This week the study is on "The Prodigal Son".
How you join us online?
10am EVERY Sunday
4:30pm EVERY Sunday
You can also join us on Facebook:
Lighthouse Berala:
St James Berala:
Please like and subscribe to our YouTube Chanels!
Mike Doyle
0412 857 162