New Faces and Thoughts on Peace & Division

1. Emily Grace Doyle and some new faces!

Welcome Emily! Congratulations to Linda and Mike!

As they settle as a family with a newborn our pastor Mike will be on leave for a few weeks. In the meantime some staff members and student ministers will share some encouragements and updates to you each week. You'll get to hear reflections from a range of people!

If you'd like to support the Doyles you can firstly pray for good sleep for all. Also pray that Josh will get used to not being the baby anymore.

If you'd also like to support them practically, please feel free to sign up to bring the family a meal here:

2. Reflections on peace and division
Last Sunday we heard from Andrew as he spoke from Luke 12:49-53 about the division that Jesus came to bring. This week I've reflected on how God can call us to be peacemakers (e.g. Matt 5:9) yet Jesus brings division.

Division is clear in our world, e.g. in racism. We want harmony, so why does God bring division?

Luke 12:49-53 takes a quote from Micah 7 where God judges Israel's evil actions. Yet God is also merciful and saves (Mic 7:18). We have a just God who will bring division and judgement yet He is also a merciful God who will bring peace.

We can have peace through accepting Christ's sacrifice for us so that His death is ours and His resurrection also ours. The social status, cultural values and different things that gave us value do not compare with the life we have in Christ now.

Paul can thus say, 'There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.' (Gal 3:28)
3. Church Return Plans Survey
Don't forget to complete the survey about your thoughts of returning to church.

4. Family Bible Study

This weeks Family Bible Study is available (will be sent out by Jo-Ann this week). It can be done with your family, with your household - or even just by yourself!  It doesn't matter how old or young you are!

Why not get the kids to do it during Sunday Church? And don't forget to send your craft pictures to

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— Veronica Ng
(Student Minister on behalf of your beloved pastor Mike Doyle)

Mike Doyle