Removing Compartments Post-Isolation

1. Caring for the Doyles

As the Doyles settle as a family with a newborn, our pastor Mike will be on leave for a few weeks. In the meantime, some staff members and student ministers will share some encouragements and updates to you each week. You'll get to hear reflections from a range of people!

If you'd still like to support the Doyles you can firstly pray for good rest for all! If you'd also like to support them practically, there is still space to sign up. Please feel free to sign up to bring the family a meal here:

2. Reflections on removing the 'compartments' post-COVID 19 - From Andrew Thornhill (Student Minister)

As we continue to navigate our way through this global pandemic, the talk now is about re-emerging, restrictions easing, the new normal. So it’s appropriate to think through what this means for us: as a church community, as individuals, and as followers of Jesus.

This is an opportunity for all of us to think about the compartments of our lives. What do I mean by this? Well, we all have different compartments or the different sections in our lives: family, friends, work, school, university, leisure, fitness, how we eat, sleep, rest etc. And many of these compartments have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
In the Old Testament book of Leviticus, there’s detailed instructions on how God’s people are to ensure that every aspect of their life – their worship – is to be Holy, because God is Holy. Nothing is missed – every compartment of their life, is to be devoted to God.

Over the past few months, our lives have shrunk. Many of these compartments have changed, even stopped. But as we re-emerge, some of these compartments open up: we can have face-to-face relationships again, we can go back to school or back to work, we can see family, we can eat out. And this is a great opportunity for us to do a check on these compartments and ask ourselves this question: “Does everything in my life belong to God?

A few weeks ago when we were looking at the book of Malachi during church, we read about God’s people robbing God, because they weren’t giving Him what they were required to give to Him. And while these laws have now changed, with the death and resurrection of Jesus, God still demands everything from us – every compartment.

Jesus taught that the most important commandment is this: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” And this can be really difficult. Just like the Israelites who we read about in Leviticus and again in Malachi, because of our sinful natures, we naturally want to keep God out of some parts of our lives, some of our compartments. That’s why He sent Jesus, who gave His whole life: the perfect sacrifice, that sinful humans could never make.

In Ephesians 4:21-24 we read this:
21 Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, 22 throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. 23 Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.

We’ve had to throw off a whole lot of things in the past few months: various compartments of life. But as things start to change in the weeks and months ahead, as our lives open up again, let’s take this opportunity to ensure that everything we do reflects our nature as followers of Jesus. This is an opportunity to reset; and as we start to open up old compartments in our lives, or maybe even new compartments, let ensure we turn to God, and give everything to Him.

3. Church Return Plans Survey
Don't forget to complete the survey about your thoughts of returning to church.

4. Family Bible Study

This weeks Family Bible Study is available. It can be done with your family, with your household - or even just by yourself!  It doesn't matter how old or young you are! This week's study is a recap on being Kingdom Kids.

Why not get the kids to do it during Sunday Church? And don't forget to send your craft pictures to

The study can be found at this link:

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Andrew Thornhill and Veronica Ng
(on behalf of pastor Mike Doyle)

Mike Doyle