Money, Support and Christmas
As our community and church slowly returns to normal, it's been very encouraging to hear about Discipleship Groups, Youth Groups and other groups meeting in person again. How encouraging was it to sing at church last week?
In this newsletter I'm sharing:
Thoughts on returning to church
Jono's Supporters Afternoon Tea
Finance Update
Good News on the Grant
Returning to Church
Over the last few weeks I have encouraged you to:
Set your eyes on the things of God (Col 3:1-4)
Grow in Faith, Not Fear (Luke 12:4-7)
Come to Give, Not Get (Hebrews 10:24)
Leave No One Behind (1 Corinthians 12:26)
Today, I want to encourage us to use this opportunity to share Jesus. Romans 10:14 says:
But how can they call on Jesus to save them unless they believe in Jesus? And how can they believe in Jesus if they have never heard about Jesus? And how can they hear about Jesus unless someone tells them?
Over the last two years our community has been confronted by death in a way most of us haven't been confronted before. We've been reminded that work, big houses, and streaming TV does not bring us joy or satisfaction - nor can it save us from death.
This Christmas - more than most others - is a time we can share our hope in Jesus in a world that desperately needs him. And how can the world know about Jesus unless we tell them? Make sure you use this time to share Jesus with your friends, family, neighbours and everyone in our area.
Postcards will be available at church on Sunday
Jono's Supporters Afternoon Tea (2:00pm Saturday@Church)
As you're aware - Jono is joining us as a Ministry Apprentice next year. Come along on Saturday to find out why, and what he is hoping to achieve, what he will be doing, and how we can be supporting him.
Finance Update
Thanks to our New & Improved Accounting Team (Thanks to those who are helping) - we have our figures for October.
Sadly - we are behind in our giving budget for October and the year.
Giving: $11,236
Budget: $15,139
Deficit: $3,903
Year to Date
Giving: $138,168
Budget: $151,390
Deficit: $13,222
Thank you for your kind and generous donations. Church is paid for by your donations, and it's only by your donations that we can keep it running.
However, it does mean we are just over $13,000 behind in our giving for the year - which is of some concern. There is no need to panic - but it would be nice to finish the year without a deficit. Please pray about the situation.
Can you help out? If every member of our church gave $130 extra - we could wipe out the deficit. Perhaps you can't afford that amount - that's OK - give what you can. Or perhaps you can give more. Thank you for your prayers, concern, and generosity.
Account name: St James Berala
BSB: 062 117
Account Number: 00900052
Good News on a Grant
Great news - thanks to the work of Jono Wallace - the State Government has awarded us a grant of $45,000 to help pay for two new demountables. This puts us well on the way to getting it done. Thank you for your prayers. Make sure you thank God, and continue to pray for several other grants we have applied for, and pray for the DA that we are still working on.
Church is Back
Church is back - so join us in person or online on Sunday.
10am Morning Church: St James Berala
4:30pm Lighthouse Church: Lighthouse Church Berala
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
In Christ