Have you returned to church yet? This Sunday is a GREAT time to rejoin us - not only are we saying GOODBYE to our student ministers Andrew, Lucy and Indiana. Come for a special lunch!
In this newsletter I'm sharing:
Goodbye Lunch & Dinner
A NEW Evangelism team for 2022
Evangelism Training
Christmas is NOT cancelled
Financial Update
Andrew and Lucy have served us well for 2 years now - and it's time to say goodbye. Come on Sunday to say goodbye in person and join us for a lunch (after SJB church) or dinner (after Lighthouse church).
New Evangelism Team
The mission of our church is to "Make and Grow followers of Jesus for God's Honour and Glory". CoVid is almost over and next year is our chance to get back out there to see Jesus glorified in Berala and the surrounding suburbs.
To help this - we're making a new (ish) team to help our whole church think about how our WHOLE church can share Jesus with our WHOLE area. Can help out? Email Veronica (
Evangelism Training
Evangelism can be scary and hard - and that's OK! To help us - Veronica is starting some evangelism training. This training will help EVERYONE to share Jesus. It doesn't matter if you are entirely new and scared - or if you're an expert.
Email Veronica ( to get involved.
Christmas is NOT cancelled.
Our BIG Christmas series starts NEXT WEEK. Can you invite anyone? Come on Sunday to get some postcards!
Finance Update
Can you give a once-off gift of $130 to make sure our church finishes the year without a deficit?
If every member of our church gave $130 extra - we could wipe out the deficit. Perhaps you can't afford that amount - that's OK - give an amount you can rejoice in. Or perhaps you can give more. Thank you for your prayers, concern, and generosity.
Account name: St James Berala
BSB: 062 117
Account Number: 00900052
Church is Back
Church is back - so join us in person or online on Sunday.
10am Morning Church: St James Berala
4:30pm Lighthouse Church: Lighthouse Church Berala
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.