Loving Each Other: Discipleship Groups & Self Care
The mission of St James Berala and Lighthouse Church is to "Make and grow followers of Jesus for God's Honour and Glory".
Today, I want to talk to you about how we "Grow" followers of Jesus in this time. Essentially, how do we look after, and love each other.
There are two very important things I want to say: Discipleship Groups and Self Care.
1. Discipleship Groups
Discipleship groups are how we grow each other as followers of Jesus. It is where we speak the truth in love to each other. It's where we care for each other. It's where and how we love each other.
How does that look? This is what one of our groups is making sure they love each other:
Each week they hear how each other are doing, and pray for each other.
Every person in the group is paired up, and during the week they will contact each other, make sure they are OK, help out if needed, and pray for each other.
Each week they open God's word and speak the truth in love to each other, growing each other as followers of Jesus, and helping each other trust God in this time of trial.
This is all in addition to their normal (virtual) weekly meet ups, and how they are generally looking after each other.
Do you see how good this is? Do you see how they are connecting, and caring for each other? Do you see how they are taking personal responsibility for each others health and safety, and spiritual growth?
I say this bluntly. I say it bluntly because I think it's so important.
The way our church loves each other is through Discipleship Groups. I do not have the time or capacity to provide this sort of care for all members of our church individually. The leadership team does not have the time or capacity to provide this level of love and care for all members of our church individually.
This is where the rubber hits the road: Most people want to be loved by our church. Our church wants to love you. However - if you refuse to join a Discipleship Group - you are refusing to be loved by the members of our church. It is completely unreasonable to demand that people in the church love you, but refuse their offer of love.
It has been wonderful and encouraging to see how the Discipleship Groups are loving each other. It has been wonderful and encouraging to see so many people in our church IN Discipleship Groups. It has been wonderful and encouraging to see so many people join our Discipleship Groups over the last few weeks.
But let me urge you - if you have not joined a Discipleship Group yet - you are making it very hard, if not impossible, for people in church to love and care for you, and for you to love and care for people in our church. If you can't find the time to join a group now - you will never find a time to.
Make every effort to prioritise joining a group. For your sake, and for the sake of your brothers and sisters in Christ. I don't want you to miss out.
Email me NOW to join a group: mike@stjamesberala.org.au
I praise God for the wonderful Discipleship Group leaders in our church, and how they are working so hard to love and care for the members of our church.
2. Self Care
I don't know about you - but there are some parts of our current situation that is stressing me badly. At times, I find myself highly anxious.
And here's the problem — if you're not in a good headspace — it's very very hard to love others. It's hard to love your family, your friends, and your brothers and sisters in Christ. So my practical advice this week is about self-care - how can you be looking after yourself, in order to love others? Here's my suggestions:
Begin your day by opening God's word and praying. Just do it.
Only watch (or listen) to the news once a day. Or perhaps even once every second day.
Limit your time on facebook or other social media platforms. It tends to increase anxiety and worry.
Try to make sure your conversations don't end up always being about the current crisis. Foster good, real, intimate conversations where you share feelings, needs, requests.
Get a good nights sleep. Work out what time you want to wake up, go to bed at least 8 hours before that time. Don't drink coffee after 3pm. Reduce alcohol intake. Turn off screens 1 hour before bed. Don't spend the night catching up on TV.
For AT LEAST 1 day a week, put your phone into "Night" or "Do Not Disturb" mode - and turn off all notifications.
At night - put your phone to bed. Don't touch it after 8pm and before 8am.
Get some physical activity each day. Go for a walk. A swim (if you can). A run. Do some exercise in your lounge room. Follow a routine on YouTube or DVD.
Connect 2-3 times a week with family members and friends. Put it in the diary if you need to. Use video or voice - not just SMS or messaging.
My prayer is this time will be a time of growth as followers of Jesus!
Next week - I'll give you another practical thing you can do to love each other.
Do you have suggestions? Let me know!
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In Christ
Mike Doyle