Hot Tip#1: How to love others in the time of the coronavirus
People are scared. Many have lost their jobs. And we don't know what the future will look like.
It's easy to see the negatives of our current situation - but did you know right now you have a once in a life time opportunity that you will never have again?
Never before has there been such a chance to love the people of Berala. To love your neighbour. To love others as Jesus loved us. Never before have people in Berala needed our love so much. Never before have we had a chance to share our love in such a way.
So let me urge you - now is the time to reach out to your neighbour and love them. Over the next few weeks I'm going to be sharing tips on how to do this.
My first tip is this: Use the "I would love to help" card. How?
Print it out.
Cut it out.
Fill it in.
Put it in every letterbox in your street or apartment block.
It's that easy! I plan to do Crawford Street this week!
Next week - I'll give you another practical thing you can do to love your neighbour. Have suggestions? Let me know!
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In Christ
Mike Doyle