Making yourself right with God
Paul says some shocking words in Galatians 5:4:
4For if you are trying to make yourselves right with God by keeping the law, you have been cut off from Christ! You have fallen away from God’s grace.
For followers of Jesus - what we do. The good things we do. The bad things we do. They do not, in any way, shape or form, change our relationship with God. God does not love us more when we do good. And God does not love us less if we do bad. Our actions - neither good nor bad - will not make us closer, or further away from God.
So - why bother being good? Join us at church this week as we continue to learn about the place of doing good in the life of a follower of Jesus. Read Galatians 13-25 to get prepared!
Surviving Lockdown
Lockdown can be hard - so let me remind you:
God is still your heavenly father - YOU are his precious child.
The Lord Jesus Christ is still on his throne - the world is NOT out of control!
The Holy Spirit still lives in you - God wants you to grow in knowing his love and trusting him.
This means - in lock down - do these 5 things:
Read the Bible every day. Listen to God speak. Read a Psalm. Read from one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John)
Pray Every Day. Speak to God. Praise Him. Repent of Sin. Ask for others. Ask for yourself last.
Exercise. God has made you a whole person - not just a soul. You body matters, and our physical health affects our spiritual health.
Eat Well. Don't eat junk, sugar, or chips - eat health food. If you're not hungry - don't eat.
Connect with others. At least one person each day. Not just a message - but a phone call or video chat. If you're allowed to - go for a walk with someone else. Ask what you can pray for them.
Online Church
Join us for online church. The very best way is to join us live, on your youtube channel (like and subscribe!)
10am Morning Church: St James Berala
4:30pm Lighthouse Church: Lighthouse Church Berala
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday - virtually!
In Christ