Avoid Disaster Porn

Lock down tip: Avoid Disaster Porn!

What is Disaster Porn? It's Doom Scrolling. It's being addicted to the news or the 11am press conference. It's becoming fixated on the negative things that surround us, talking about it at every opportunity.

Often - it feels good. It feels like we are in control. It feels like we have knowledge and understand the situation. But the reality is - it raises our stress levels. It drives anxiety. And it means we lose our focus on the rest that Jesus provides us.

My advice: Put down the phone. Turn off the news. Ignore the 11am press conference. If you're deeply addicted - try stopping at 5pm each day. Try taking a break for 24 hours. Or a whole weekend. Perhaps only check in once a week - and see how it makes you feel.

And instead of spending time watching the news - open the bible and read it, and spend some time praying and thanking God for all he is doing.

Join us at Church this week to do some thinking about vaccinations - and what does the Bible say about it.

Prayer Night
One of the great joys of being a follower of Jesus is we become children of God - and can call him Father. He loves us, and wants to listen to us.

Join us for our Church Prayer Night MONDAY NIGHT at 7:45pm as we gather (virtually) to call on God in prayer, and ask him to powerfully interceded for the lost in our community.

Here's the link to the prayer meeting - I look forward to seeing you there.

What are you thankful for?
In this time of stress - it's important to be reminding ourselves - and others - what we are thankful for. Hear from Sara and Linda about what they're thankful for. Perhaps pause and thank God with them, and list out 10 things you are thankful for.

Sara and Linda share what they are thankful for in Lockdown

I would love to hear what YOU are thankful for! Can you send me a video? It's so encouraging to hear from each other!

Church Finances
Thank you for your kind donations to church - especially as things are so tough at the moment. In August we slipped further behind - and are now almost $10,000 behind budget for the year. If you can help - please do.


  • Budget Giving: $15,139

  • Actual Giving: $12,855

  • Shortfall: $2,284

Year to Date

  • Budget Giving: $121,112

  • Actual Giving: $111,232

  • Shortfall: $9,880

Please thank God for the generosity of the members of our church. Please pray for generous giving, and wisdom for the Wardens.

Online Church
Join us for online church. The very best way is to join us live, on your youtube channel (like and subscribe!)

  1. 10am Morning Church: St James Berala

  2. 4:30pm Lighthouse Church: Lighthouse Church Berala

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday - virtually!

In Christ

Mike Doyle