Baptism & Christmas!
I have lots of exciting stuff to share today - most importantly - join us at church on Sunday to rejoice in the Baptism of Yongbao Liang (Abbie) and Stephen French!
Abbie became a follower of Jesus after coming to Music Time, and Stephen has been blessed by God to grow up in a household that follows Jesus, and is making a public commitment as a follower of Jesus.
Abbie will be baptised at morning church (10:00am), and Stephen at Lighthouse Church (4:30pm). I want to strongly encourage you to attend both services in order to celebrate God's saving work in our area. We will have lunch (and dinner), as well as a jumping castle!
The Baptisms will go ahead rain, hail or shine!
Christmas and Church over the holiday period
Our BIG Christmas Series is still on, as we pause and consider how important God becoming man is. Here's what's happening for the rest of December and over January.
Sunday December 19th (10am and 4:30pm): God Dealing with our Sin (Matthew 1:18-24)
Saturday December 25th (10am): Christmas Day Combined Service
Sunday December 26th: NO CHURCH TODAY. As a once off, we are cancelling church to encourage people to spend time with their friends and family.
Sunday January 2nd (10am): Combined Service (No 4:30pm Lighthouse Service)
Sunday January 9th (10am): Combined Service (No 4:30pm Lighthouse Service)
Sunday January 16th (10am and 4:30pm): Services Back as Normal (Morning and Lighthouse)
Finance Update
Can you give a once off gift of $130 to make sure our church finishes the year without a deficit?
If every member of our church gave $130 extra - we could wipe out the deficit. Perhaps you can't afford that amount - that's OK - give an amount you can rejoice in. Or perhaps you can give more. Thank you for your prayers, concern, and generosity.
Account name: St James Berala
BSB: 062 117
Account Number: 00900052
Church is Back
Church is back - so join us in person or online on Sunday.
10am Morning Church: St James Berala
4:30pm Lighthouse Church: Lighthouse Church Berala
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
In Christ