Baptism & CoVid Update
Join us on Sunday as we baptise Yongbao Liang (Abbie), Stephen French and Sara Parsafar!
This is worth showing up to both Morning Church (where we will baptise Abbie) and Lighthouse Church (where we will baptise Sara and Stephen!). We will have lunch and dinner available.
CoVid Changes
With the new CoVid rules that came in this week, it will bring a few minor changes. The big change is you will no longer be required to wear a mask at church, and you can sing without a mask on. Of course - you are welcome to if you wish to. You still need to check in when you arrive using the QR Code.
Of course - if you're feeling unwell, or have been orded to isolate - pease do!
A reminder: Church over the Holiday Period.
We will have a combined Christmas Service at 10am on Christmas Day (Saturday 25th December). We will not meet on Boxing day, and will have a combined service at 10am on Sunday 2nd and 19th January (no Lighthouse service). Church will be back as normal (10am and 4:30pm) on Sunday 16th January.
Finance Update
Can you give a once off gift of $130 to make sure our church finishes the year without a deficit?
If every member of our church gave $130 extra - we could wipe out the deficit. Perhaps you can't afford that amount - that's OK - give an amount you can rejoice in. Or perhaps you can give more. Thank you for your prayers, concern, and generosity.
Account name: St James Berala
BSB: 062 117
Account Number: 00900052
Church is Back
Join us in person or online on Sunday.
10am Morning Church: St James Berala
4:30pm Lighthouse Church: Lighthouse Church Berala
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.