SJB & Lighthouse Newsletter

How did you start 2022?

At Church - we're continuing the story of King Jesus, as he approaches his death. In this weeks passage, he is asked "by what authority do you do these things?"

It can be hard to accept the authority of Jesus - but what happens when we don't? Read Luke 20:1-19 to prepare for Sunday.

A reminder that church on Sunday (10am) is on. It is a combined service with both Lighthouse and Morning Church. We would love to see you there.

We will also be live-streaming the service, if you can't make it.

As usual, if you are feeling sick, or have been ordered to isolate, please remain at home. You will need a mask at church and to check in.

Our 10am Morning Church service can be found here: St James Berala 

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

In Christ

Mike Doyle