Fear of Missing Out

1. Sharing our livestream!!!
Please share our livestream this Sunday at 10am or 4:30pm. This is a great opportunity to share with our friends and family during this time of COVID 19. Please share in on whichever social media platform you are on-particularly on Facebook. Why not try to share it in your 'Stories' or on your page?

2. Caring for the Doyles

Welcome back to Mike! He will be slowly easing back into church life. In the meantime some leaders at church will share some encouragements and updates to you each week. If you'd still like to support the Doyle's you can firstly pray for good rest for all! If you'd also like to support them practically, there are a limited number of spaces left to sign up. Please feel free to sign up to bring the family a meal here: 

2. Fear of Missing Out - Reflection from Veronica Ng

This week I’ve been reflecting on Luke chapter 13 which Andrew spoke to us from on Sunday. It was about how the Kingdom of God can only be entered through a narrow door. This got me thinking. Often in our society, we like to make ourselves seem more important by ‘name dropping’ or telling people we were invited to something that was quite exclusive. We feel a bit ashamed of it perhaps but most of the time we can’t help but think if I just mention I used to go to school with this celebrity or I have a friend who’s a friend of this famous speaker- then perhaps this person will like me more or want to associate with me. It makes us feel important or valuable, at least compared to some other people. Some young people call this FOMO- or fear of missing out. But it also applies to people of all ages and backgrounds. We want to be associated with rich and famous people, be included in their circles, invited to their parties.
As Christians, we feel there is something wrong with this. It’s seems very worldly. I recently read an article from the Gospel Coalition about the Inner Ring (I’ve included the link to the article below). The author quotes C.S. Lewis who says, ‘I believe that in all men’s lives at certain periods, and in many men’s lives at all periods between infancy and extreme old age, one of the most dominant elements is the desire to be inside the local Ring and the terror of being left outside…’ Lewis goes on to say, ‘Once the first novelty is worn off, the member of this circle will be no more interesting than your old friends. Why should they be? .. you were merely wanted to be ‘in’. And that is a pleasure that cannot last.’
The author of the article argues that the reason for this pursuit is that it stems from jealousy and it is all about your own selfish interests. Not that of others.
So what does it mean when Jesus says there is a narrow door to enter into the Kingdom of God? Is it to keep the elite in and the ordinary people out? Watch the video to find out more.

(You can read the article here if you're interested.)
3. Family Bible Study

This weeks Family Bible Study is available. It can be done with your family, with your household - or even just by yourself!  It doesn't matter how old or young you are! Families are starting a new series from the book of Acts. Quizworx have let us use their material for free - thanks Quizworx!

Why not get the kids to do it during Sunday Church? And don't forget to send your craft pictures to kids@stjamesberala.org.au

The study can be found at this link.

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Veronica Ng
(on behalf of pastor Mike Doyle)

Mike Doyle