Return to church plans

Over the last few weeks the staff and wardens have been working hard to come up with a plan for how we will return to church. On Tuesday night, the Warden's approved that plan.

On Sunday 10th October (THIS Sunday) at 12pm, we will have a church wide meeting (including both Lighthouse and Morning Church) to share the plan, answer questions, and receive feedback.

1. How to access our meeting
We will meet using Google Meet. You will need access to either a computer with a web browser, or an Apple iPhone or iPad, or an Android phone. If you are on a phone or iPad, you may need to download the "Google Meet" app.

You can access the meeting via:


  • Following this QR Code

2. How to answer questions
We also want you to ask questions (or give feedback) on the plan. Feel free to ask your questions NOW and we will answer them on Sunday. You can also upvote your favourite questions.

Ask questions by going here:


  • Following this QR Code

Online Church
Join us for online church. The very best way is to join us live, on your youtube channel (like and subscribe!)

  1. 10am Morning Church: St James Berala

  2. 4:30pm Lighthouse Church: Lighthouse Church Berala

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday - virtually!

In Christ

Mike Doyle