Lighthouse Church Berala

lighthouse berala services & gatherings are in person and online VIA YOUTUBE LIVESTREAM

We are back this Sunday at 4:30pm

See you then!

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"I am the light of the world.

If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness,

because you will have the light that leads to life." 

— JOHN 8:12



Lighthouse Church Berala is a community of people that seeks to make the light of Jesus shine.

If you don’t yet know Jesus, please consider joining us in learning more about who He is. We would love to meet you, and invite you to share the joy we have from knowing Him.

Join us from 4:30pm each Sunday — services and discipleship groups are both in person and online!


Jonathan Dunn is joining us as Ministry Trainee at Lighthouse Church Berala!

Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38

We are proud to have Jono join us as he does his Ministry Training Strategy (MTS) apprenticeship program, an MTS apprenticeship is a two-year program designed to give those considering vocational ministry a chance to test their hand at full-time gospel work while receiving guidance and seeking discernment about the future from Pastor Mike.

Please welcome Jono with the love of the community of Berala and importantly the love of Jesus Christ, through prayer and financial giving.

If you feel you can support Jono and his wife Vanessa during their stay here, please click on the link below to find out how you can give.

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Mike is the senior pastor at St James Berala and Lighthouse Church Berala.

He is married to Linda and has four wonderful kids. He is passionate about fishing, enjoys the outdoors, and seeing people decide to follow Jesus.

Mike serves by preaching, teaching, and equipping and encouraging others to follow Jesus, to see God's Kingdom grow, and his Son glorified.



Services are both in person (when COVID-19 restrictions allow us) and online.

Email us at to join a group or find out more!

For Sunday service livestreams, tune into the Lighthouse Facebook page or click the link below: